Saturday, 27 July 2019

Glencoe and District Flower Show Sunday 25th August 2019

A wee reminder of the Glencoe and district flower show at the Glencoe village hall on Sunday 25th August 2019. Opens 1.30pm, free admission, teas and cakes £1.50. Prize giving and raffle draw is at 3pm.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Up-date bridge by Invercharnan, Glen Etive

Highland Council installed safety netting on the bridge yesterday.

Link to previous news

Monday, 22 July 2019

Bridge by Invercharnan, Glen Etive, critical condition.

The barriers have gone from the bridge by Invercharnan, Glen Etive, which were put in place when the railings failed. Does this impose a risk to the public? Highland council have now been informed via email.

Link to previous news

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Railing collapsed on bridge by Invercharnan, Glen Etive.

Bridge by Invercharnan
Railing has now collapsed on the bridge by Invercharnan ,Glen Etive.

Reported to Highland Council
(Reference: FS131639548) 17 July 2019
(Reference: FS125452436) 18 June 2019

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Why are outside environmental lobby groups trying to undermine our living community in Glen Etive, our chosen path to a sustainable community is for us alone to choose, not for organisations out side to dictate their values on us.

Saturday, 6 July 2019

A Guide to Good Practice for Visitors (May 2002)

Glen Etive Leaflet May 2002

This leaflet was printed May 2002, 17 years ago, the NTS are now actively preventing access now with their trenches they are digging at the road verges which is under the management of the Highland council.

Glen Etive Leaflet May 2002